Fusion is an entirely new trading platform that “fuses” multiple competing and cooperating AI technologies working together to provide more robust systems, using and merging multiple data sources, new data analytic strategies to grapple with changing market dynamics and non-stationarity, a 64-bit architecture for analyzing larger data sets, while delivering higher performance, bigger returns, and smaller draw-downs.
FUSION SPONSOR Ultimate License
While the “all options” edition is priced at $4997 we are offering 1 and only 1, “Sponsor” licenses for $2498 which will provide you the advantages and benefits of:
- Fusion “Core”
- ALL optional modules as we deliver them FOR LIFE
- Enterprise-level distributed multi-processing Fusion
- Direct input into the development process
- Priority Support and Assistance
- Consultation on setup and use
Order this special Sponsor offer NOW before they run out…
THIS IS A “DURING DEVELOPMENT” ORDER. Fusion is currently in development and you will be emailed (by a human) a link to the Fusion Installer which first supports the “Fusion: Data” product.